Fishing Without Bait: A Full Impact Mindfulness Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

494 episodes of Fishing Without Bait: A Full Impact Mindfulness Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 23rd, 2015.

  • Mental Finger Trap | Episode 30

    January 26th, 2016  |  15 mins 7 secs

    Jim Eellermeyer discusses why we continue to do things that do not work including the coping mechanisms, the illusion of control we present ourselves with, the male and other stereo types represented on television that teach us not to emote, how we...

  • Emotional Quicksand | Episode 29

    January 19th, 2016  |  10 mins 36 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer discusses a concept from Gestalt theory and How to survive emotional quicksand as we try not to fall into the trap of looking at who we are not rather than accepting who we are.
    From this episode:
    "Gestalt Therapy...

  • My Beginning With Mindfulness | Episode 28

    January 12th, 2016  |  4 mins 13 secs

    This week, we read a blog post where a student describes her venture into mindfulness in the first 6 weeks and how it changed her life. 
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your favorite Podcatcher!
    Read the...

  • Mini Mindfulness | Episode 27

    January 5th, 2016  |  15 mins 39 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer discusses finding those glancing moments of mindfulness, Concentration, and more. 
    Challenge: Experiment with the flame meditation.  (review what it is at 8:00 in this week’s Podcast!) Tell us your results on...

  • Butterfly Effect | Episode 26

    December 29th, 2015  |  17 mins 30 secs

    What board effects do our choices do around us?  How do we allow time to control us?  What are small changes we can make that can have a large effect? 
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your...

  • Refocusing Rather Than Letting Go | Episode 25

    December 22nd, 2015  |  13 mins 44 secs

    We talk about the narrative of our lives and how we develop skills from speaking to the work we do.  How does our emotional detachment to an experience change our thoughts? What is your brain doing to protect you from these experiences? How do...

  • Conscience Choice | Episode 24

    December 15th, 2015  |  15 mins 44 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer discusses our choices and get deeper into a conversation about how “making a choice” is not as easy as it sounds sometimes and how our responses change. 
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your...

  • Introduction to Time Line Therapy | Episode 23

    December 8th, 2015  |  12 mins 52 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer discusses Time Line Therapy and gets us started with a self examination in our state of mindfulness. Where are your expectations on finding resolutions to your problems? What in our past shape how we behave today, and how can...

  • Mindfulness Expression in Judaism | Episode 22

    December 3rd, 2015  |  15 mins 44 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer takes a look at Judaism and how mindfulness applies to the faith in its distant history, and more!
    Challenge: Try to give 10 blessings a day. 
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your...

  • Life is Suffering | Episode 21

    November 24th, 2015  |  16 mins 21 secs

    Jim Eellermeyer discusses buddhism, the suffering of life, how we decide to be with or without suffering, and the concepts of viparinama-dukkha, samkhara-dukkha, and dukkha-dukkha and break down where that voice in your head comes...

  • Of Jihad and Rumi | Episode 20

    November 17th, 2015  |  14 mins 51 secs

    Jim Ellermeyer discusses Islam and attempts to describe the true meanings of what a "jihad".   We talk about basic concepts from the religion that sound remarkably like mindfulness, beginner's mind, and the writings of Rumi
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  • Mindfulness of Jesus | Episode 19

    November 10th, 2015  |  12 mins 11 secs

    We take a look at the teachings of Jesus and his take on mindfulness that has been spread through Christianity.
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your favorite Podcatcher! 
    Intro music:...

  • Hitting the Reset Button on Ourselves | Episode 18

    November 3rd, 2015  |  12 mins 43 secs

    We discuss pressing the reset button on ourselves on a daily basis, how we measure happiness, and recharging out batteries. 
    Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes or look for it on your favorite Podcatcher! 
    Intro music:...

  • Introduction to Suffering | Episode 17

    October 27th, 2015  |  14 mins 54 secs

    Jim Eellermeyer discusses not always getting what we want, being distracted by the pink hippopotamus, shooting yourself with negative thoughts, the problem that gets into your way, how pain can be useful and more!
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  • The Gift of Control | Episode 16

    October 20th, 2015  |  16 mins 8 secs

    We take a look at how we allow our outside influences control our choices and actions, understanding the consequences, everyone is in recovery from something, and the state of the perception of mental health today.  
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  • A Mindful Review | Episode 15

    October 13th, 2015  |  8 mins 52 secs

    We look back at our progress on Fishing Without Bait so far and where we are going, self defeating words, the wild horse that is loose in your head, informational overload, losing control, and making choices based on emotions and...