Jim Ellermeyer
Host of Fishing Without Bait: A Full Impact Mindfulness Podcast
Jim Ellermeyer has hosted 340 Episodes.
Dark Times with Sheena Carroll and Steve Banks | Episode 184
March 19th, 2019 | 24 mins 11 secs
Jim Ellermeyer is joined again by musician and writer Sheena Carroll and her band mate Steve Banks as we learn a bit about him, how they connected in making music over Fastball songs, his dealing with recovering from a back injury over several years, and coming out of it.
New Perspectives With Natalie Bencivenga | Episode 183
March 13th, 2019 | 24 mins 11 secs
authentic self, integrity, medical school, natalie bencivenga
James Ellermeyer is joined by Natalie Bencivenga to continue their conversation about her path, including leaving medical school at 22, the influence of her grandmother and strong women in her life, reading a poem about her grandmother in her earlier life and the new perspective it gave her, being ok with being uncomfortable and working through it, and how going to school to become a social worker had changed her.
Transformation With Natalie Bencivenga | Episode 182
March 5th, 2019 | 24 mins 19 secs
authentic self, integrity, medical school, natalie bencivenga
James Ellermeyer is joined by Natalie Bencivenga who is excited about changes in her life. We discuss her upbringing including going to medical school and the pressures she put on herself, listening to yourself, the lessons of integrity and creative arts, influencing young women that deal with similar issues, taking care of yourself, not allowing people to evolve and grow, and more!
Off to India with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan | Episode 181
February 26th, 2019 | 20 mins 32 secs
groupthink, india, media, relaxation, rest, subliminal
Jim Ellermeyer is rejoined by friends singer/songwriter Liss Victory and comedian Krish Mohan discuss technology that doesn’t help people, subliminal messaging, media controlling emotions and group think. We also discuss their upcoming trip to India including the language and culture, making friends and connecting on the road, and how to connect.
Different Ideas with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan | Episode 180
February 19th, 2019 | 20 mins 37 secs
art, cultural differences, ikigai, india, opinions
Jim Ellermeyer is rejoined by friends singer/songwriter Liss Victory and comedian Krish Mohan discuss Ikigai, Krish talks about his style of comedy and ending a set, dealing with criticism of his material and in life, keeping from allowing money to guide your art, living how you want to be remembered, getting ready to go on their honeymoon to India, toilets, sharing experiences and information, and more!
Taking a Chance with with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan | Fishing Without Bait 179
February 12th, 2019 | 21 mins 45 secs
bipolar, emancipation, musician, open mic, perserverence, resilience, women
Jim Ellermeyer is rejoined by friends singer/songwriter Liss Victory and comedian Krish Mohan as they give advice for people looking to become a musician and get in front of people, deciding to stick with music over journalism, dealing with expectations and stereotypes in music and comedy, choosing to be a musician, working harder to get better, getting enough attention that someone is criticizing you, dealing with criticism in a healthy way, creating a series of goals, fame, and more.
On Tour with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan | Episode 178
February 6th, 2019 | 16 mins 55 secs
bohemian rhapsody, comedy, krish mohan, list victory, music industry, touring, travel
Jim Ellermeyer is rejoined by friends singer/songwriter Liss Victory and comedian Krish Mohan as we catch up with their touring and album releases and preparing for those events, expecting audiences, the wear and tear on being on the road for an extended amount of time, DIY touring and production, and more!
Of Chronos and Kairos time | Episode 177
January 29th, 2019 | 13 mins 29 secs
chronos, kairos, time
Jim Ellermeyer is talking about those catalytic moments in our lives. We discuss
Chronos, or clock time, and Kairos time and seizing the moment and the greek roots. -
Future Self with John Rodin | Episode 176
January 22nd, 2019 | 22 mins 57 secs
future self, luck, passion, sacrifice
Jim Eellermeyer is joined by professional wrestler John Rodin to talk about putting in the work to create opportunities, the sacrifices he puts into pro wrestling, showing passion to help other people, and becoming your future self.
Making Changes with John Rodin | Episode 175
January 15th, 2019 | 23 mins 2 secs
fear, john rodin, life change, perspective, pro wrestling, serenity prayer
Jim Eellermeyer is joined by professional wrestler John Rodin to talk about turning his experiences into inspiration for others, how he came to the realization to change things, how unrecognizable his former self is, setting goals in professional wrestling becoming a trap, changing your perspective, and one of the biggest leap of faiths in his pro wrestling career.
Wrestling With Perceptions with John Rodin | Fishing Without Bait 174
January 8th, 2019 | 23 mins 51 secs
Jim Eellermeyer is joined by professional wrestler John Rodin to talk about perceptions of things you don’t understand, like pro wrestling, perceptions on Social Media, John’s perceptions working at a prison, using his negative energy to fuel something positive, leaving a relationship after 9 years, negative thoughts and more!
New Year’s Anti Resolutions | Episode 173
January 1st, 2019 | 15 mins 48 secs
intentions, new years resolutions
Jim Ellermeyer looks at New Year’s Resolutions, making intentions instead of resolutions, setting up a “not to do list’, dropping the rock, things coming back to you, natural time, and more!
The Humanity of it All | Fishing Without Bait 172
December 21st, 2018 | 23 mins 45 secs
christmas, compassion, helpers, mr rogers, serenity prayer
Jim Ellermeyer is gearing up for the holidays as we discuss the hurried nature everyone is in, we go back and look at what humanity means. Treating others with compassion regardless of how you know them or your pre conceived notions.
Good Will Toward Men | Fishing Without Bait 171
December 11th, 2018 | 21 mins 13 secs
alcoholics anonymous, buddha, christmas, jesus christ, positivity, spirituality
Jim Ellermeyer has some fun with Christmas and disconnecting from television before we take on a topic from our Twitter friends. We discuss tendencies to not help others in our world, whether it be people in front of us that look different or what you can do to help the world.
Buddha Stories | Fishing Without Bait 170
December 4th, 2018 | 15 mins 52 secs
Jim Ellermeyer comes to us this week with a coming to us with a collection of stories from the Buddha. Stories about creating instead of destroying, giving to others, and a reminder that time is always moving and we are always changing.
Tattooed - “I Am” and “I Choose” | Fishing Without Bait 169
November 27th, 2018 | 22 mins 56 secs
allah, authentic self, christianity, hinduism, islam, judaism, recovery
Jim Ellermeyer is here this week to talk about his new tattoos “I am” and “I choose” and the importance of those phrases and how we can trick out brain into positivity. Also, when we present quotes, and communicate the meaning to you behind them, being honest about how your day is, finding your authentic self.